Gwen Whiting founded The Laundress, a premium, eco-friendly home cleaning brand acquired by Unilever in 2019. Over 17 years from concept to exit, Gwen led the company through the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey. From creative and branding to product development and operations, plus distribution, sales, partnerships, legal, and finance, she has sweat the details, made thousands of decisions (big and small), and took the company from a bootstrapped operation to a successful acquisition and transition.

Hello Entreprenista:

My vision when I founded The Laundress was to turn an everyday domestic chore into an enjoyable and luxurious experience, creating incredible products that bring joy to people’s lives and homes.

A problem-solver at heart, one of my favorite tasks was responding to the Ask The Laundress questions that came into my mailbox from customers facing unique laundry conundrums. I loved the opportunity to connect with people around the world and offer a bit of guidance to help them save cherished items, resurrect family heirlooms, or avert a crisis.

Throughout my career, I’ve been gifted with incredibly generous mentors, advisors, and supporters. Today, I’m both humbled and honored to be collaborating with Entreprenista to open up a new mailbox, together. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to share, listen, and support others, drawing from my bag of tricks, creative lens and the experience of my entrepreneurial journey.

I’m looking forward to lending an ear and sharing my learnings, insights, mistakes or an idea to help you reach your excellence.


Gwen Whiting

Founder, The Laundress

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