In May 2012, we decided to leave our corporate careers, and launched Socialfly, NYC’s leading social media agency. Fast forward 8 years, and 200+ happy clients later, we have created a tight-knit community of like-minded female entrepreneurs, and provided advice to countless business owners with the lessons we have learned and products/services that have helped enable our success.
Over the years, because of the success of our social media agency, we had female founders reaching out to us every week to meet for coffee to pick our brain. We quickly realized if we were to go out to coffee with every single entreprenista who reached out, we wouldn’t have time to run our business. But we wanted to provide this advice and support. So in 2018, we decided to find a way to reach and help as many female founders as possible at scale. This is when The Entreprenista Podcast was born!
Our mission at Entreprenista is to celebrate the stories of women business leaders and learn from the lessons of the women that are paving the way forward. At Entreprenista we provide practical solutions and the tools we love and trust to women business leaders. Whether it’s having an in-depth conversation with a leader about the process of bootstrapping a business, to recommending trusted solutions to help our audience make the most of their ecommerce site, Entreprenista is the Number #1 resource for female business owners across the country.