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9 Entreprenista League Members share their best tips for staying productive

November 16, 2021

Happy National Entrepreneurs' Day! To celebrate, we've asked 9 of our wonderful Entreprenista League members to share their top 3 tips for staying productive each day:

Ashley Piszek of MISS SWISS

1. Create a routine. Start each workday with a morning routine that will get you ready for the day ahead. It could be working out, mediating or just making your favorite morning smoothie but that consistency will get you ready to start a productive day.

2. Listing tasks you want to get done each day in order of importance.

3. Create alarms on your phone to limit the amount of time you spend on certain projects. For instance, I allocate 30 minutes every morning to respond to emails that I received the previous day. Once the alarm goes off, I need to move to another task.

Abbe Fedder of InCircle Fertility

1. Write it down!! Write it to get it out of your head and to stay accountable.

2. Calendar integrity.

3. Take a breather when the flow isn't coming. Go for a walk, laugh, take a bath - that mental break will make you ready to push forward a little while later.

Tara Clark of Modern Mom Probs + Modern Mom Style Box

1. When I need to write or create content, I put my phone where I can't reach it and get easily distracted.

2. Drink lots of water. It's good for you, and it forces you to get up from your desk and walk to the bathroom.

3. Only check your email at certain times of the day. Don't constantly be on the look out for it.

Karen Montgomery of Masterly Mutual

1. Keep your financial goal posted in front of you.

2. Schedule your week on Sunday and list your must do's for each day.

3. Follow a routine including scheduled break time during the day.

Amanda Hofman of Go To Market

1. Review your to do list each morning, set an order to your list and stick to it!

2. Don’t let email pull you around like a dog on a leash! Pull your to dos out of email and put them on your list.

3. Don’t rush. Pick fewer things to do each day and get them done without a sense of panic.

Read Amanda's Entreprenista feature here!

Marlene Wallach of Gleem Beauty

1. Write down your goals for the day.

2. Take breaks.

3. Get some fresh air and drink water.

Read Marlene's Entreprenista feature here!

Nina Lowman of Indica Dreams

1. Start each day with gratitude.

2. Make a list.

3. Don't procrastinate.

Read Nina's Entreprenista feature here!

Rebecca Nunez of The MRN Agency

1. Not everything requires a response. If you get too caught up in your inbox, you’ll never get the work done.

2. Having an open-door policy and being able to escalate things. Having the ability to escalate things, without it letting escalate.

3. I live and die by lists and writing things down. It’s a little old school, but it’s the only way my brain works. Whatever you feel your method is, lean into it, don’t feel pressured to change it. If you’re a visual person, lean into that, if you like things automated, find a program that works for you. Whatever method works for your productivity double down on it, because there is no right and wrong way to being productive.

Read Rebecca's Entreprenista feature here!

Jaclyn Tracy of SISTAIN + Brand Effect

1. Carve out time to create space for yourself in the morning. I meditate and move my body as soon as I wake up. When I don’t do this, I feel like I’m running on a hamster wheel all day.

2. Take micro-breaks.

3. If the projects you are working on are complex with numerous steps and dependencies on multiple individuals, master the art of leveraging a project management tool like Asana.

Read Jaclyn's Entreprenista feature here!

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