Valeria Lasak’s Marketing Agency Focuses on Fashion, Beauty, and Personal Brands

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Hi, Valeria! Please share a brief introduction about yourself and your business:

Hi, I’m Valeria. Cofounder of MKT Besties and Nomad, a marketing agency focused on fashion, beauty, and personal brands, I’m also a community leader with the New Miami Girls community and host the street podcast ‘Who Is She Miami.’ This project is especially close to my heart as it allows me to share the inspiring stories of Miami’s incredible women. Beyond my professional life, I have a deep passion for wellness and fitness, beliefs that I weave into every aspect of my life. Currently, I’m on the beautiful journey of building my family, a personal adventure that’s every bit as rewarding and challenging as my professional pursuits. It’s this blend of professional ambition, personal growth, and community engagement that truly defines who I am.

Who are your customers?

Our customers are primarily fashion, beauty, and personal brands looking to amplify their presence in the digital space. They range from emerging designers and independent beauty experts to personal branding clients who wish to elevate their online persona. These clients come to us seeking creative and strategic marketing solutions that not only capture their unique essence but also connect them deeply with their target audience. Additionally, through our community work with New Miami Girls and the storytelling platform “Who Is She Miami,” I engage with a broader audience interested in empowerment and inspiration among women.

What was your background prior to starting your own business?

Before starting my own business, I worked in various roles that gave me a diverse skill set. I was in the corporate world, where I learned a lot about digital marketing and how businesses operate. Besides that, I did some dog walking, which was a great way to meet people and manage responsibilities. I also worked as a server, gaining firsthand experience in customer service and how to handle different situations on the spot. Selling brownies taught me about sales and what it takes to attract customers. All these experiences contributed to my understanding of business, from customer service to sales and marketing.

What made you take the leap to start your own business?

The leap to start my own business was driven by a combination of life’s adversities and a moment of significant change. After being let go from a company, I found myself at a crossroads. This challenging time forced me to reevaluate my path and ultimately led me to recognize that creating something of my own was not just the best response to my situation but also the most fulfilling direction I could take. It was a daunting step, fueled by the necessity to redefine my professional life, but it turned out to be the best thing that happened to me. Starting my own business became a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, allowing me to take control of my future and build something truly meaningful from the ground up.

Turning a challenge into an opportunity is huge! Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?

No, I didn’t always see myself as an entrepreneur. I genuinely enjoyed the corporate life, the predictability it offered, enjoying my weekends, and personal time without the weight of big decisions on my shoulders. At that point, I didn’t know there was another way that could be fulfilling for me. But after stepping into the entrepreneurial world out of necessity, my perspective shifted dramatically. Now, having experienced the autonomy, creativity, and personal growth that comes with running my own business, I find it hard to imagine going back to my old corporate life.

Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?

When we first launched our social media agency, we decided our primary marketing strategy would revolve around proving our skills by building our own social media presence. The thought was straightforward: if we could showcase our ability to grow an account successfully, potential clients would see our expertise in action and come to us. We believed in showing, not just telling, especially since social media management wasn’t typically seen as a high-ticket service. We wanted to attract clients who understood the value of what we were offering without having to convince them through traditional sales tactics. To our delight, the strategy paid off more effectively than we anticipated. Within just two months, we grew an account to 20,000 followers, which became a significant testament to our capabilities. This achievement on Instagram became our main tool for attracting new clients. Interestingly, while many of our followers were other social media managers and not directly our clients, the visibility helped us receive numerous requests for audits and inquiries from potential clients. So, yes, the strategy went as planned, perhaps even better than we had hoped. It underscored the power of social proof in our industry and validated our approach to attracting clients by demonstrating our expertise firsthand.

What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?

The biggest challenge I’ve encountered in my journey was navigating the fallout of a partnership that didn’t work out, forcing me to start from scratch on a project I had poured my heart into. This experience was tough, but it taught me invaluable lessons about the importance of setting clear boundaries and the critical need for ironclad agreements in any business venture. I learned the hard way that when you blend business with personal relationships, clear lines need to be drawn from the beginning. It’s essential to have everything outlined in writing — roles, responsibilities, what happens if the partnership dissolves, and how assets or projects will be handled. These aren’t just formalities; they’re safeguards that protect both the business and the personal relationships involved. From this challenge, I took away the understanding that good fences make good neighbors, especially in business. It’s not about distrust; it’s about respect and clarity. Ensuring that everyone is on the same page from the start can save a lot of pain and trouble down the line. So, while starting over was difficult, it was also a turning point that taught me about resilience, the importance of legal and emotional boundaries, and the value of clear communication in all aspects of business.

What accomplishment are the most proud of to date in your business?

Personally, the greatest accomplishment for me has been overcoming all the challenges that have come my way. Each hurdle, whether it was starting over after a partnership didn’t work out or navigating the complexities of building a brand from the ground up, has taught me resilience and the importance of perseverance. These experiences have shaped me into a more confident and capable entrepreneur. In the business realm, what fills me with pride is the partnerships we’ve formed and the dynamic my business partner and I have established. Our collaboration has been the cornerstone of our success. We’ve managed to blend our ideas and strengths in a way that not only enhances our projects but also ensures their success. Just three months after launching our first project, we were already on our way to launching a third one, each met with significant success and growth. Watching our team expand and evolve has been incredibly rewarding. It’s this combination of personal growth and business achievements that I’m most proud of. Every day brings new reasons to be proud of what we’re doing, and seeing the impact of our work only motivates us further. Our journey, marked by overcoming challenges and building successful partnerships, highlights what can be achieved with hard work, dedication, and a shared vision.

Do you have any recent wins from the last year that you’d like to celebrate with our community?

Absolutely, there are two big wins from the last year that I’m excited to share with our community. First, we’ve experienced significant growth in winning clients’ accounts, which has been a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. It’s rewarding to see our strategies and efforts translate into tangible results and satisfaction for our clients. Secondly, on a personal note, fully stepping into my role as an entrepreneur has been a transformative and fulfilling journey. It’s a win not just for me but for everyone who’s been part of this adventure. These achievements reflect the progress we’ve made and set a promising path for the future.

Such incredible successes, Valeria! What’s next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?

Looking ahead, we have ambitious plans for our business. Our goal is to become the leading marketing agency in the U.S. for fashion, beauty, and personal brands. We’re not just aiming to grow in size; we want to be the go-to agency that these industries think of first when they need marketing expertise. Additionally, we’re expanding our scope to manage influencers, with plans for me to dive deeper into the influencer and content creator space. This move represents our commitment to embracing the evolving digital landscape and leveraging it to its fullest potential. We’re in a phase of rapid growth and development, with numerous projects in the pipeline. Our focus is on excelling in every initiative we undertake, expanding our team to support this growth, and continuously learning to stay ahead of industry trends. In the next few years, you can expect to see us taking on more projects, broadening our reach, and further establishing our presence both within the U.S. and internationally. We’re excited about the future and can’t wait to share our journey with our community.

What is your top productivity tip? 

My top productivity tip is definitely embracing the habit of waking up at 5 AM. I follow this routine in periods, specifically opting for a 3-month duration with a break in between to reset. Implementing this early-rising schedule last year significantly enhanced my organization and productivity. It’s incredible how much you can accomplish by starting your day before the rest of the world wakes up. Not only does it provide quiet time to focus on important tasks without distractions, but it also frees up the rest of your day for other activities, meetings, or even some well-deserved relaxation.

On the flip side, how do you avoid burnout?

Avoiding burnout is crucial, especially when you’re deeply invested in your work and personal growth. I’ve found that actively taking breaks is key. Whether it’s immersing myself in a good book, enjoying some time outdoors in the sunshine, or taking a solo ride to the beach, these moments allow me to recharge and reset. Additionally, incorporating restorative hot yoga into my routine twice a week has been a game-changer.

What is your approach to work-life balance / integration?

My approach to work-life balance—or integration—is a work in progress, but prioritization plays a central role. In my life, there are non-negotiables: my family, my husband, my dog, myself, and of course, my business. Each demands attention and care, akin to juggling different yet equally important parts of a whole. I use what I call the “112 magic” strategy, based on the 112 waking hours I estimate to have in a week, assuming around 8 hours of sleep per night. I allocate a certain percentage of these hours to each critical area of my life. This method helps me ensure that I’m giving time to what matters most, without letting any single aspect consume all my energy and time. This structured yet flexible approach allows me to attend to my business’s needs while also cherishing and nurturing my personal life and relationships. It’s a constant balancing act, but by consciously deciding where my time goes, I’m more present and fulfilled in every moment, whether I’m at work or with my loved ones.

What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?

One thing I wish I had realized at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey is the immense value of starting sooner, especially when it comes to networking and joining communities like Entreprenista. I witnessed an exponential growth in my network, which opened up countless opportunities and learning experiences from founders across the U.S., both seasoned and new. My hesitation initially stemmed from viewing it as an investment, fearing the commitment without immediate tangible returns. However, this perspective changed quickly after our first collaboration with another Entreprenista member, which not only paid off the entire membership cost but also highlighted the true potential of being part of such a dynamic community. The lesson here was clear: the doubt and delay in seeing the value of investing in networking were unnecessary. Embracing these opportunities earlier could have accelerated our growth and success even more.

We love hearing how Entreprenista has helped so many founders! When hiring, what is your go-to interview question?

When it comes to hiring, my go-to interview question is quite straightforward: “What do you want to achieve here, and what are you hoping to get from us?” This question may not sound fancy or disruptive, but it cuts to the heart of what I believe is crucial in building a strong team – understanding the aspirations and expectations of potential team members. By knowing what they’re looking for, not just in terms of job responsibilities but also in terms of growth, learning, and personal development, we can better assess if we’re the right fit for each other. This approach helps ensure that we can support their journey and align their goals with our business’s direction, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.

Do you have a co-founder? If so, how did you find the right one for you and what are your best partnership tips?

Yes, I do have a co-founder, and finding the right one wasn’t straightforward; it’s been a journey of learning and adaptation. My current partnership is actually my second attempt at co-founding a business. The first attempt didn’t go as planned, largely because we didn’t establish a clear agreement upfront. The lack of a structured agreement led to misunderstandings and ultimately, the partnership didn’t work out. It was a tough lesson, especially when you’re emotionally invested in what you’re building together. However, when my current partner came along, they brought not just enthusiasm for the project but also a sense of structure, with agreements and documents prepared. This readiness to formalize our partnership showed me the importance of having clear, legal frameworks in place from the start. It’s been essential in shaping a healthy, productive partnership.

Here are some key tips for a successful partnership based on my experiences: Weekly Feedback Sessions: Regular check-ins are crucial. It ensures we’re both aligned on our goals, addresses any concerns early, and keeps communication open. Clear Communication: It’s vital to be open and honest with each other, ensuring both partners are on the same page and misunderstandings are minimized. Understanding Personalities: Recognizing each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and working styles is key. It helps in dividing responsibilities in a way that plays to each partner’s strengths. No Room for Competition: Remember, you’re on the same team. The partnership should be built on mutual support, not competition. Legal and Structured Agreements: Having everything documented isn’t just about legalities; it’s about setting clear expectations and responsibilities, which is foundational for trust and transparency. These practices have not only helped us navigate our partnership more effectively but also allowed us to build something meaningful together. It’s a partnership based not just on shared goals but on mutual respect and understanding.

What’s the one app on your phone you absolutely cannot live without and why?

The two apps I absolutely cannot live without are Instagram and WhatsApp. Instagram is vital for both my business and personal brand. It’s where I connect with my audience, showcase our work, and keep the pulse on trends. WhatsApp, on the other hand, is my go-to for communication. It’s how I stay in touch with my team, family, and friends. The instant messaging and the ability to easily share media make it indispensable for both personal conversations and business communications.

What is your favorite business tool or solution and why?

As for my favorite business tool, Google Drive is a game-changer. It’s like my digital library where everything is easy to find and organized. Whether it’s documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, Google Drive keeps all my files in one place, accessible from anywhere. This has been crucial for collaborating with my team and ensuring that we’re all on the same page, no matter where we are in the world.

What advice do you have for aspiring Entreprenistas?

Don’t compare your journey with anyone else’s, and start now. Every entrepreneurial path is unique, filled with its own set of challenges and victories. It’s easy to look at others’ success and wonder why you’re not at the same point, but remember, you’re seeing their highlight reel without knowing the struggles they faced. Focus on your own goals, growth, and what you can do today to move one step closer to your dreams. Comparison can steal your joy and skew your perception of progress. Instead, draw inspiration from others’ successes as proof of what’s possible and use any setbacks as lessons for improvement. Most importantly, start now. Don’t wait for the perfect moment or until you feel fully ready—those times may never come. Take action with what you have and where you are, and refine as you go. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second-best time is today. Your entrepreneurial journey begins with a single step, so take it now.

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