Bridging the Gap: Building Crypto Confidence with Coin Queen Heather Doyle
January 10, 2023
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When you picture in your mind’s eye the “typical” crypto expert, do you see a stereotypical tech bro or finance guy? If you do, you’re definitely not alone—but you might also be overlooking the massive potential that women have and the role they’re already playing in the world of Web3.
Today, we’re talking to CoinQueens founder and CEO Heather Doyle. CoinQueens began as a complimentary Web3 onboarding program and emerged as a successful Web3 adoption model to help bring the power of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to brands and business leaders across the globe.
Listen in to episode twelve of Web3 with MCG. Heather tells Michelle how she went from dreaming of saving manatees to joining the world of crypto, how she defines Web3, and what it was like to walk into the middle of a Bitcoin mine.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
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