Lisa McCarthy's Product Empowers People With Positive Affirmations
Founder of MeyeVU
October 21, 2024
Hi, Lisa! Please share a brief introduction about yourself and your business:
Lisa McCarthy, Founder of MeyeVU, created the Affirmations Mirror Compact to empower individuals with customizable messages, drawing from her own experiences overcoming adversity like foster care, single parenthood, and breast cancer. Our goal is to instill strength and self-worth, enabling everyone to thrive despite challenges, ensuring that the underdog can succeed in life.
Who are your customers?
We are launching now but we have endorsements from thought leaders like Les Brown, Mary Morrissey, and many others. We know that the product is attractive to Millennial women, life coaches, teens and people who believe in the power of positive reinforcement, manifesting, and affirmations.
What was your background prior to starting your own business?
I have worked in technology, real estate, marketing, sales, project management, and non-profits. Additionally, I have engaged in extensive mindmapping for startup businesses, which has deepened my knowledge and strengthened my desire to forge my own path.
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
After starting my career in technology, I kept getting laid off, and as a single parent, it taught me that no job would last forever. I began attending seminars and seeing therapists to address my past trauma, and they recommended using affirmations. They would provide lengthy statements and advise me to maintain eye contact while repeating them daily. However, I struggled to remember the words, which led me to innovate. I combined a mirror with technology, and that's how the Affirmations Mirror was born!
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
From a young age, I would take wood from the garage and build lemonade stands (most of which would collapse), but I persisted. I sold books, secured sponsors for walk-a-thons, and even created Barbie clothes. Little did I know that these early ventures and skills would ultimately lead me to realize that entrepreneurship was the path meant for me.
Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
We are launching now but I have worked on this dream for 15 years. (It is that overnight success story you often hear about that took a while). My strategy involved joining accelerators and cohorts, applying for grants, seeking investors, navigating social media (still learning this aspect), connecting with influencers who advocate for affirmations, self-development, mental health, and improving life. I built a waiting list and informed my friends and family. Currently, I am focusing on expanding our social media presence and reaching out to successful affiliates to onboard them.
What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?
Building a consumer product, especially with technology, requires funding from me; investors won't magically appear to make it happen. They typically seek revenue, and along this journey, you might find that attracting an investor could mean giving away your company and becoming their employee. Additionally, a tough reality is that only 2-3% of women receive funding. The key to progress lies in being consistent and persistent.
What accomplishment are the most proud of to date in your business?
That I have taken the leap of faith and I am currently manufacturing to make dreams come true! Also, that I have auditioned for Shark Tank 4x because dreams are worth pursuing!
Do you have any recent wins from the last year that you'd like to celebrate with our community?
After 32 potential manufacturers, I found one and I am excited to say, we are launching! Endorsements from people like Les Brown, Mary Morrissey, Bob Proctor (RIP) and so many others expanded who I am and my belief in what I can accomplish.
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
Launching the products! Growth, additional products, additional channels, partnerships and a massive impact for people to understand they are valuable and worth more then they ever thought before.
What is your top productivity tip?
Mindmapping everything you want to accomplish! When you are not feeling like you can do a task, choose another. Each one will contribute to your overall dream.
On the flip side, how do you avoid burnout?
Give yourself a break and speak to yourself kindly when you need it...just as you would for a friend or your child. Take a walk, smell the flowers, pet your cat or dog, and reach out to someone you love for support and reminders of what you're pursuing and why.
What is your approach to work-life balance / integration?
This is always a work in progress for all of us. We often prioritize loving and supporting everyone around us while neglecting ourselves. Recently, I joined the YMCA and am now blocking off time to swim or work out because without my health, I cannot be of service to myself or others. I always remind myself that life is not endless; it's meant to be enjoyed and cherished.
What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?
I joined in July this year and I am connecting with so many people, I have no regrets only hope that I have found my tribe where we truly connect and support each other.
When hiring, what is your go-to interview question?
Can you describe a challenging situation from your past work experience where you had to navigate through ambiguity or uncertainty? How did you approach it, and what was the outcome? What would you change about yourself today?
If you've raised capital for your business already, what are some of your best tips or lessons learned?
Not yet but bootstrap as long as possible if you want to retain control of your vision and dreams.
Are you a Mamaprenista? If so, please share your best advice for simultaneously managing a business and a family
Carve time out for what is important. I take a week off whenever I can to spend time with the kids without business being a factor. They are small for only a short time so enjoy the crap out of it! Have fun and don't forget to play!
Do you have a co-founder? If so, how did you find the right one for you and what are your best partnership tips?
Not yet but soon...when I do, they will be my opposite because that is the only way we can grow. If I hired someone exactly like me, we could not grow as fast as we want to.
What's the one app on your phone you absolutely cannot live without and why?
My calendar! It let's me know when and where I need to be so I don't have to retain it which leaves space for creation.
What is your favorite business tool or solution and why?
Calendly because it allows people to engage when it works for both parties. Also, doodle, it allows people to vote on meeting times when there are several people involved.
What advice do you have for aspiring Entreprenistas?
Take time to breathe and acknowledge how far you've come. Plan your moves before you leap, so you're prepared for the next step and don't feel dependent on others to guide you. Protect your spirit—it's what will motivate you each day to soar toward your goals and dreams.