Teagan Hintze Helps Moms Pursue Their Business Dreams
August 21, 2024
Hi, Teagan! Please share a brief introduction about yourself and your business:
Teagan is the owner and founder of Hey Independent Mama. She started her business in 2015 with a 5-month old on her hip and a dream to work from home in sweatpants. After a bunch of life changes, a divorce, her business having to start over and a cross-country move, she built her business back and is working on supporting women to do the same. Hey Independent Mama is dedicated to helping moms create the business of their dreams, on their terms, so they can live the way they want. Her signature membership makes building a business affordable and obtainable.
Who are your customers?
Moms and virtual assistants.
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
I had just given birth to my son and took a 2-week unpaid maternity leave to come back to my full-time director job. After working for 3 months with a newborn and balancing work, I was called into the office and demoted for 'not being a leader'. I took the rage I felt around it and used it to drive growth in my business.
Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
I started with family and friends. I wanted to know I could do it. So I asked to do stuff for free to ensure I could make things work. When results happened I would ask them to pay me in referrals so I could grow. I ended up taking on 15 new clients in my first 5 months because of it.
What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?
That your mindset is EVERYTHING. You can learn every tactic, every strategy, every trick and it won't work unless you convince yourself that it will. You have to shift that to have success. It took me years to figure this one out and I am still working on it.
What accomplishment are the most proud of to date in your business?
Designing a label for Dr. Pepper that was distributed nationally.
Congrats on that, Teagan! Do you have any recent wins from the last year that you'd like to celebrate with our community?
I am finally starting my membership and courses to help empower other women to do the same!
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
I am growing out of my education side and giving back to help others skip the pitfalls I came across. I can't wait to see where it goes.
What is your top productivity tip?
Time blocking. If you know you have to get something done in a specific time frame...you are on fire!
On the flip side, how do you avoid burnout?
Oh, tough one...I usually work right to the line. Take time for you, do something that isn't work-related. For me, I read, travel, hit a movie, or just close the laptop and walk away for a bit.
What is your approach to work-life balance / integration?
I try to work only when my little is in school so I can be present when he is home. I want to make sure I am there as much as I can.
What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?
That business growth can take a while and you have to learn how to be patient with the process. It takes time and you have to keep believing.
We're here for you during the journey! When hiring, what is your go-to interview question?
How do you feel about GIFs? I love to have fun and if they find them annoying the vibe will be off. I love hiding a question in the block of text at the top to watch for detail-oriented people. Something like... in the last question mention the color red, please. Then when I go through anyone who doesn't have red in their answer can be removed.
Are you a Mamaprenista? If so, please share your best advice for simultaneously managing a business and a family:
Yes! Have work time and business time. But also find ways to empower your family to be in the business with you. I recently hired my 9-year-old to do little tasks for me and it has been the most incredible thing to see him be excited to have a part in it all.
What's the one app on your phone you absolutely cannot live without and why?
My calendar. I live off that thing. I put in every appointment, call, and event.
What is your favorite business tool or solution and why?
Right now I would say it's Mailerlite. I have been into automating a good chunk of my business and this helps alleviate a bunch of it.
What advice do you have for aspiring Entreprenistas?
Don't give up even when it is hard and it will get hard.