
Women in Web3 LIVELY Panel: Kat Garcia and Marielle Schurig on Growing Wealth with Web3

Co-Founder of Cheres

November 8, 2022

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  • Crypto currency and Web3 are a new mechanism beyond the stock market for women to grow their wealth 07:20
  • Women have only been allowed financial freedom since the early 1970s—and how that’s still affecting us now 09:44
  • A breakdown from Kat on crypto, Web3, and NFTs 13:17
  • This is our chance to get in on Web3 so we can reap the benefits once it starts coasting 16:31
  • When you’re dealing with a bear market, you have to remember that the market is still very resilient 19:50
  • If you keep all of your money in cash, you’re actually losing money 23:25