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Launching a Mission-Driven Non-Profit Organization with Pamela Hirsch & Nicole Lawson of Baby Quest Foundation

April 11, 2022

Hosted by



  • Nicole’s experience with third-party reproduction and how it led her to launch her own business
  • Why the process of getting a surrogate can be lonely
  • The year Baby Quest and Abundant Beginnings were born
  • Pamela’s early lessons from setting up and starting a non-profit
  • Leaving the entertainment industry and Nicole’s first steps toward founding Abundant Beginnings
  • The process of applying for a grant and how Entreprenistas can get involved in Baby Quest’s work
  • How COVID-19 has impacted grant applications for Baby Quest
  • How donating to a foundation like Baby Quest can help companies
  • What a surrogacy agency is, how it works, and the Abundant Beginnings business model
  • Marketing strategies and challenges for a surrogacy agency
  • How the media has shaped the public’s perception of third-party reproduction

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