
Kasey O’Leary of Hilton – Being All In

August 24, 2020

Be all in. That’s the philosophy of Intraprenista Kasey O’Leary, Vice President of Global Marketing for what she calls “a 100 year old startup”, one of the biggest names in hospitality and hotels: Hilton. From her start in a family ad agency business to marketing books and music for Borders, to being an agent of positive impact, Kasey has been working toward shattering the view of who Hilton is, feels proud to be a spokesperson, and mentors other women within the organization to also be all in. Kasey joins Socialfly Co-founders Stephanie Cartin and Courtney Spritzer for a conversation about her executive role in an iconic company and her journey to success, including about the emphasis Hilton puts on people who want to make an impact and have ideas, and as an inclusive place for women; why it is important to be mindful of how you show up every day, and to make mistakes and be OK with that; the value of reading the room, and understanding the usefulness of letting your guard down, and short conversations; why it matters to get the DNA of the company you work for; why Hilton chose, and how they recruited, Anna Kendrick as a powerhouse voice of Hilton; and, why seeing the world through her daughters eyes has transformed the way she sees the world.