Trademark and Business Attorney for Online Businesses Scaling to $1M +
We help female entrepreneurs with online businesses protect themselves from expensive legal mistakes with trademarks and contracts.
Legal Service for online entrepreneurs to scale confidently
We provide legal support designed for female entrepreneurs and business owners in the online space. From protecting your brand to creating contracts, copyrighting your work, and setting up essential business policies, we help protect what you’ve built—so you can scale with confidence and peace of mind.
Why Entreprenista recommends
this solution
How It Works
Ivonna Young Helps Apparel & Accessories Brands Reach Their Marketing Goals
Provide your customers with multiple delivery options from your app, website, or phone channels.
Ivonna Young Helps Apparel & Accessories Brands Reach Their Marketing Goals
Provide your customers with multiple delivery options from your app, website, or phone channels.
Ivonna Young Helps Apparel & Accessories Brands Reach Their Marketing Goals
Provide your customers with multiple delivery options from your app, website, or phone channels.