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near you
Step away from the screen and connect face-to-face with fellow founders at our member-led local meetups! Whether you're seeking collaboration or looking to build meaningful relationships with fellow founders, our meetups offer the perfect space to grow and connect — right in your city! Plus, as a member of The Entreprenista League, you can even host one in your area, too!
Articles featuring Founders
Read the latest business strategies and success stories to fuel your business growth and success.

The Entreprenista Podcast shares insights and strategies from top women entrepreneurs to inspire your business growth.

Startups in Stilettos
Startups in Stilettos is the ultimate resource for early-stage women entrepreneurs, offering stories, advice, and tips to grow your business.

Entreprenista 100 Awards
Meet the trailblazing business owners who are changing the world… and apply for the chance to be recognized!