Elizabeth Milian’s Legal Services Help Entrepreneurs Protect Their Brands

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Hi, Elizabeth! Please share a brief introduction about yourself and your business:

Hi, I’m Elizabeth! I am a first generation professional and passionate trademark attorney, entrepreneur, and above all else, a devoted mother, who is actively shaping the world she wants her children to inherit through her work and advocacy. I am the Founder and CEO of Brand Builder Legal. I see trademarks as lasting symbols, especially impactful for inspiring women to pursue their dreams. As a committed parent, I find myself navigating the complexities of a career in law, understanding the profound impact my actions will have on future generations. Rooted in my role as a mother, I instill in my children what it means to have resilience and determination, setting a powerful example for them to follow.

Who are your customers?

Women entrepreneurs.

What was your background prior to starting your own business?

I have worked in fields from art to investment banking to litigation and now IP law, showcasing my ability to pivot and disrupt in pursuit of growth. Growing up attending an all-women boarding school and university, I found my voice and is eager to inspire others to do the same.

What made you take the leap to start your own business?

In my fifteen years as an attorney, I understand firsthand how obtaining legal services can feel financially out of reach for entrepreneurs and businesses, especially in the early stages of their journey. Early on, I witnessed numerous promising ventures struggle to obtain necessary legal services due to the prohibitive costs. That’s why I made it my mission to find a solution that supports business owners by offering accessible, transparent flat fee pricing tailored to their specific needs. This commitment allows them to access the legal resources and protections they deserve without the burden of unpredictable costs. My “why” was rooted in the belief that every entrepreneur should have the opportunity to secure their brand and grow their business with confidence, knowing that their legal foundation is strong and stable. And I can proudly say, that commitment remains just as true today.

Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?

No, I did not, I always thought I would work for someone else. I had to make a pivot and really found a passion for helping women entrepreneurs. I loved brands and how they became popular but also found myself really intrigued by how they become popular by protecting themselves and owning their brand. I immediately wanted to get involved.

Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?

I first hired a social media manager to help me build an online presence. Shortly after, joined The Entreprenista League where I have found so many connections and inspirational women really making a name for themselves. I then joined a local networking group specifically for women in law, Ms. Esquire, which has really helped me build a reputation on a local level. Since then, I hired a PR company to help me get press and podcast interviews where I can sharpen my speaking skills.

What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?

The biggest challenge I have encountered so far was in the early stages of our business when I worked seven days a week to manage casework, marketing, bookkeeping, operations, and business development. It quickly became apparent that I needed additional support. As a new business owner, bringing on additional team members, training them, and covering their salaries while juggling numerous tasks felt daunting. However, that step to grow our team was crucial in finding a better balance in the day-to-day workflow. This included adding fractional team members for marketing, accounting, and admin support. This experience taught me the importance of investing in the proper support in the early stages of our business to ensure sustainable growth.

What accomplishment are the most proud of to date in your business?

Earlier this year, we celebrated our one-year anniversary in business, and I am excited to share that we are currently on track to serve approximately double the number of clients this year compared to our first year, which has enabled us to expand our team internally. As a business owner, I get to implement and live the core values of support and collaboration, by partnering with other entrepreneurs and growing businesses. We work with some incredible solopreneurs and small businesses for marketing, HR, and accounting support. This spring and summer has also been very busy with a number of in-person special events, speaking engagements, sponsorships, and community connection.

Do you have any recent wins from the last year that you’d like to celebrate with our community?

I have been featured in Forage Magazine, Retail Boss, and Shoutout Miami.

What’s next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?

In the next 12 months we plan to open an additional office location in Connecticut, complementing our existing legal practice in Miami. This expansion will allow us to better serve our clients in different regions and provide more accessible support to entrepreneurs. My goal is to continue supporting entrepreneurs by offering comprehensive trademark, brand protection, and strategy, as well as litigation coverage. Additionally, I am in the continual process of enhancing our trademark website by adding more resources, blogs, and educational content.

What is your top productivity tip? 

My top productivity tip is to plan each day in advance on your calendar and with a specific to do list for that day. This system allows me to proactively block out dedicated time for each task. Each night, I review the plan and the calendar for the next day before I end my work day. This approach keeps me focused and on track, allowing me to make any necessary adjustments to my next day’s work schedule.

On the flip side, how do you avoid burnout?

Avoiding burnout as an entrepreneur is a very real challenge, and it involves recognizing that personal and professional lives are deeply interconnected. I have found that mindfulness is key to being aware if one area is encroaching on the other. It’s important to approach this reality with grace, understanding that learning to maintain internal boundaries is a continuous process that will evolve with each season of your life and business stage. By being conscious of this balance and allowing yourself the flexibility to adjust, you can more effectively manage stress and avoid burnout.

What is your approach to work-life balance / integration?

My approach to work-life balance and integration is recognizing that it’s a dynamic process with no single formula. I incorporate regular activities like Pilates and yoga and prioritize staying connected with friends. These fundamental practices help ground me, ensuring that no matter what my day or month looks like, I can predictably maintain a sense of well-being.

What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?

One thing I wish I had known when I started my Entreprenista journey is the importance of building an audience and making connections early on. In hindsight, this seems obvious, but at the time, I was working full-time for a firm and couldn’t create marketing content around my subject area and the work I do now. If I had started building those connections earlier, it would have provided a strong foundation for my business. For anyone considering starting their own business, I highly recommend beginning to network and engage with your potential audience as soon as possible.

When hiring, what is your go-to interview question?

My go-to interview question when hiring is: “Can you tell me about a time when you had to manage multiple competing deadlines and how you prioritized your tasks?” This question helps me understand the candidate’s organizational skills, ability to handle competing deadlines and pressure, and approach to time management. In a small business environment, these qualities are important to determine best fit candidates.

Are you a Mamaprenista? If so, please share your best advice for simultaneously managing a business and a family

Yes, I am a Mamaprensita. My advice for simultaneously managing a business and family is to live by your calendar and ensure that personal and professional deadlines are synced on one master calendar. This allows for well-coordinated planning in advance. I also rely on help with childcare when I need to travel or have professional commitments in the evening. I make it a point to explain to my kids why I am doing certain things, as it’s beneficial for them to see a parent building a business and making intentional choices about time commitments to ensure both areas run smoothly.

What’s the one app on your phone you absolutely cannot live without and why?

iPhone Notes is the app on my phone that I absolutely cannot live without. It allows me to keep all my running to-do lists on hand, which I break into categories and update as needed throughout the day. This app is also helpful since it provides a central place to jot down my ideas or questions while out of the office, helping me stay organized.

What is your favorite business tool or solution and why?

My favorite business tool is my Mac laptop. It syncs seamlessly with my desktop, providing me with the true flexibility to work anywhere while still having all the necessary resources and productivity tools. This setup ensures I can stay connected and efficient in the office, while traveling, or while working from home.

What advice do you have for aspiring Entreprenistas?

My advice for aspiring Entreprenistas is to get started as soon as possible. The key is to iterate and build as you go along. Connecting with your ideal customer base will happen once you begin. You want to save time creating what you think is the perfect solution, only to find that your clients need something different. Start, learn, adapt, and grow. This approach will help you better understand your market and refine your offerings to meet actual customer needs.

Learn more about the Entreprenista League and join today!

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