Business Coach Mary Massey on gaining clarity and achieving success
May 26, 2022
Describe your business in a few words:
My journey to becoming a life coach began over 13 years ago when I became depressed after my father’s passing. Having lost my mom at a young age, I learned to grow up fast but never had the tools I needed to help me overcome loss and other childhood traumas. I found relief through running, yoga, and Zumba® Fitness. Eventually, I became a Group Fitness Instructor and was blessed to provide the same therapy to others. The natural progression from there was becoming a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist and now Life Coach.
My Business Coach journey had its roots in my start as an entrepreneur over 17 years ago. After learning the valuable skills necessary to build a business and diving deeper into personal development, I can coach others to gain more clarity and focus on achieving success. Going through training and masterminds with the best in marketing, social media, and mindset gurus enables me to lead successful social media workshops.
What was your background prior to starting your own business?
I'm a big geek and always wanted to pursue medicine, so I tried to do it, but God had other plans for me. I landed a job as a tech support specialist, which eventually led to web design work, and a few years later, I had my own web design and development business. I mainly worked with women who owned a small business but didn't have the skills to put themselves online, so that's where I came in. Having this extensive background and video editing now allows me to coach women on their social media strategy, build confidence for video, and much more.

Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I wanted to be a doctor, but I believe I'm making a bigger impact as a coach.
Take us back to when you first launched your business, what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
I already had a healthy size email list set up when I launched my coaching practice. Between that and strategizing my social media content, I was able to pivot from mostly health and fitness to now coaching for women in business. It takes a while but using FB and IG lives and co-hosting as well as Clubhouse features have helped me to grow my audience.
What is the accomplishment you are the most proud of to date?
I'm very heart-centered and really love knowing that my clients have not only changed their lives for the better but have also influenced their families and friends to do the same.
Do you believe in work/life balance? What are some of your best tips?
I sure do! We work hard and play hard. I'm very grateful for my supportive husband, and my kids have seen me work hard for years, but they also know that mommy likes to take off and needs her time alone to recharge. Mindfulness plays a huge part in my everyday routine, and so does a solid faith and gratitude practice. Knowing how burnout feels helps us to recognize the signs and to take a step back. Understanding that not everything needs to get done right now helps us relax and take better care of our mental health. Lastly, being patient and realizing that we can only control how we think and part of that means loving ourselves enough to keep our priorities, boundaries, and wellness front and center.
What have you achieved recently that you'd like to celebrate with our community?
I was asked to form part in an International coaching group called the Wonder Women Club. I sold out my first wellness retreat, which will take place in January. We are going to Puerto Rico. I have an app in the works and also a podcast coming soon. Lastly, I co-host a weekly IG live series called Intentional Monday where we feature other moms in business and talk about many important topics including self-care, wellness, body image, motherhood, and entrepreneurship.
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
I'd love to do more speaking engagements, more local and traveling retreats, and more high-end coaching.
What excites you about being an Entreprenista League member?
I'm excited to get to know like-minded women who are also intentional with their lives and love to have fun and grow together.