Strategic Growth Coach Chrissanne Long on building lasting relationships within a community
Co-Founder of Maximized Digital Media
May 19, 2022
Describe your business in a few words:
For the past 13 years, Chrissanne has been learning what it takes to grow a successful business. As the owner of a local digital marketing agency, she has helped countless clients build successful brands by clarifying their messages and developing lead generation strategies for high growth and profitability. As a strategic growth coach, she works with her clients to help them gain clarity, set goals, and grow their businesses. Using proven frameworks, measurable strategies, and implementation plans she helps them achieve the results they seek and empowers them to continue confidently in their journey toward more and more success.
What was your background prior to starting your own business?
I was a middle school teacher for 10 years. I loved seeing my students' eyes light up when they discovered new knowledge.
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
There was never one thought in my mind that I COULD be an entrepreneur, until I was one!
Take us back to when you first launched your business, what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
Our focus was networking and SEO. Our first clients came from local searches online and through relationships I created at local organizations. I committed myself to weekly meetings, spent time coaching and troubleshooting for businesses needing assistance with online marketing tasks, and began to offer workshops. There was really no "plan". If I had to characterize the first 3 years, I would say, I just kept showing up. Being seen as a regular member of the community helped me build the relationships and the trust that eventually led to building my business.
What is the accomplishment you are the most proud of to date?
It just happened last week! I was honored as the Entrepreneur Champion of Lakeland, FL's Entrepreneur Co-Working/Maker Space - Catapult. I think this really boosted my confidence and confirmed that I am doing work that matters, which is, the most important acknowledgment I could receive!
Do you believe in work/life balance? What are some of your best tips?
I have not yet managed to find "balance" as it would be defined by experts. But I have found that when what I want is aligned with what I am doing and the people I spend my time with, I feel a sense of peace and balance. I spend a lot more time working on my business than some would deem "healthy" so for me it's understanding what balance means to me and not letting others' opinions rule my thoughts.
What have you achieved recently that you'd like to celebrate with our community?
I was recently selected as "Entrepreneur Champion" for Catapult Lakeland, an Entrepreneurial co-working space that serves the Lakeland community. I have done a lot of work to try and raise awareness for the importance of inclusivity and accessibility of resources for entrepreneurs to thrive in our community. This was the first time I felt like what I have been doing for 12 years actually matters to the established leaders in our community. This award was a milestone for me and the work I want to continue to do to raise the bar for our local entrepreneurial ecosystem! Because I truly believe in the economic value of small businesses, solopreneurs, and startups, and not just the ones that innovate at the level of Silicon Valley!
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
My coaching is my main focus right now. My personal mission is to help women business leaders overcome the belief that they have to figure out how to grow a SUCCESSFUL business ALONE.
I am working to achieve this by connecting 10,000 growth-minded women using a Facebook group called Growth Strategies for Women CEOs and Entrepreneurs so that they can find the resources they need to feel competent, connected and confident in their ability to achieve their SPECIFIC business goals.
What excites you about being an Entreprenista League member?
The past few years, I have really craved connection to women who would truly understand the challenges that go along with running a business. The inherent additional challenges that are added as women grow as leaders and as influencers in their communities. I want to speak to and share my experiences with others who "get it" and can help me overcome challenges when I find myself stuck, getting in my own way, or just feeling alone in the middle of the chaos!