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Rita Richa Helps Businesses Tell Their Stories Through Podcasting

Founder and executive Producer of Reignite Media

November 8, 2024

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A brief introduction about Rita and her business:

Rita Richa is the founder and executive Producer of Reignite Media. Rita has an extensive background in developing B2B podcasts, content-based networking, and brand strength capitalization. Her clients have been known to classify her as an innovator/visionary, passionate about developing podcasts, scripts, storyboards, social media content, and content strategy for modern B2B brands. In her free time, she also hosts her podcast Bippity Boppity Business.

What was your background prior to starting your own business?

Former theatre kid turned business major to podcast agency specialist.

What made you take the leap to start your own business?

It wasn't by choice! I was laid off and in two weeks I had to learn everything there is to learn about starting a business. Luckily I had been posting content on LinkedIn for two years building my personal brand (for fun) not knowing that one month after being laid off my DMS would be FLOODED with client requests. I am almost 3 years in and the business has hit 6 Figures in Sales. If I went back in time to the girl who was googling "What is an LLC?" and told her, "girl we hit 6K!!" I'd have NEVER believed her!

Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?

The truth is...I NEVER wanted to be an entrepreneur. I come from a family of middle eastern entrepreneurs, my father being one my whole life. He was very successful until he lost it all. We became homeless for a summer and I had to take care of the entire household for a while. Being an entrepreneur was my WORST fear. But after being laid off, and growing this business, I am learning to love it, to try to unlearn traumas and unhealthy ways of doing business, to break the cycle.

Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?

Post every day on LinkedIn. Make three connection calls a week. Do great work to get referrals! Considering I never really "planned" to start the business, I'd say I am doing pretty great now!

What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?

Leadership, or lack thereof. Remember that entrepreneur trauma I was talking about? Well, while my Dad was a great dad, he was a RUTHLESS boss. He was not the fan favorite amongst his employees and had an old school military like leadership style. They called him "Stormin' Norman". Wish I was kidding. Anyways, turns out that deep inside of me I had a "stormin' Norm" too. Once I started growing the team with contractors I realized I had a lot of growth to do, needed to learn how to communicate, how to delegate, how to BUILD A SYSTEM. Man those things were hard. But while the work is never done, I am starting to learn slowly what it means to be a better leader and not a boss.

What accomplishment are the most proud of to date in your business?

I grew a successful podcast and community for women in the trades/blue collar! The show was featured in an industry magazine and the hosts were asked to livestream the show at the AHR conference in Atlanta. I brought all the equipment and my boyfriend and I tag teamed a HUGE event just the two of us! Launching a show with an audience live (both IRL and online) was an amazing experience.

Do you have any recent wins from the last year that you'd like to celebrate with our community?

My podcast won the 2024 EarWorthy Award for Best Business Advice podcast this year! This is huge for me AND business. It gave me the validation I needed to know that podcast production is the right path for me and my clients.

What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?

A question I continue to ponder myself! I think we are experimenting with different niches to choose what industry we want to specialize in. I don't know where podcasts/live stream content will be or look like in a few years, but we are definitely learning and teaching others! I am dreaming up a product and online course. We will see where it goes!

What is your top productivity tip? 

Find an amazing production or virtual assistant that GETS you. We use Slack and ClickUp to work together and she is the reason why I don't lose my mind.

On the flip side, how do you avoid burnout?

I don't work on the weeks and try to do in-person networking events that help remind me what I am doing!

What is your approach to work-life balance / integration?

I used to work 17-hour long days and think it was productive. Turns out, it really isn't. The reality is I work that one day and do nothing the other two! I try to do creative things that keep me alive. My podcast is that for me. The second I stop making episodes and interviewing amazing people, my soul and passion begin to waver. Also, melatonin to sleep. Who knew a little vitamin gummy would be so important to turning my brain off to get the full 8 hours of beauty sleep I desperately need.

What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?

I am not perfect and that is okay. Period.

When hiring, what is your go-to interview question?

"Are you passionate about this industry?" I learned that to work in podcasting means you truly have to CARE about this industry. If they aren't a fan of the work or a content consumer themselves, it makes everything so much harder.

What's the one app on your phone you absolutely cannot live without and why?

Slack. Because if left to my own devices I WILL forget you emailed me.

What is your favorite business tool or solution and why?

CLICKUP CHANGED MY LIFE. ClickUp allowed me to scale the work I do. Huge second shout out to Notion as well! I use the site to curate the client deliverable experience instead of just sending Google Drive links. Helps so much!

What advice do you have for aspiring Entreprenistas?

Posting personal content on my LinkedIn before I even had my business changed my life. Pick your favorite platform. Post your ideas and experiences daily. Test. Iterate. Evolve. Guess what? You are priming your audience! Once day when you DO launch that amazing business you will have folks ready to listen and love what you do. But more importantly, you are your OWN competition. Don't let insta biz FOMO get you girl! YOU GOT THIS!

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Jessi Anderson
Rita Richa