Natalya Amres: The Canadian Fashion Designer That is Bringing Sustainability to the Fashion World One Piece at a Time
March 23, 2022
Natalya Amres - Founder of RemixedbyTal
Amres taught herself to sew in 2014 - mostly from YouTube tutorials. As a self taught designer, she wanted to bring sustainability into the fashion industry while simultaneously creating unique, one of a kind pieces.
We got an inside look at her most fortuitous vintage stores, how she got through the hard parts of self teaching, and what she has to say to her younger self.
What inspired you to begin learning to create clothing?
I used to get most of my clothes at thrift shops and I taught myself to sew so I could repair or tailor the garments that I found since a lot for the time they would be imperfect or not fit right. Eventually I started learning how to make clothing from scratch just out of pure curiosity.
What was the hardest part of self-teaching yourself these skills?
Although I went to school for Fashion Business, I did not learn any hands-on technical sewing skills t school. So I had to teach myself by watching Youtube videos which was difficult because there was no one to oversee your work or correct you, so you kind of have to figure it out yourself. A lot of trial and error involved and I’m still learning.
Do you have a favorite piece that you’ve designed?
I have two, I’ve made multiple stuffed bears that I’m in love with because 1. I love stuffed animals and 2. I was shocked that I even pulled off creating a 3d piece. I also really like how my basketball corsets came out, I’m almost certain they were the first of their kind which gave them a sort of wow-factor.
If you could collaborate with any fashion designer, who would it be and why?
I would definitely love to collaborate in some way with Yoon of AMBUSH, even if its in a mentorship type of way. We have similar stories such that she started with jewelry design and moved into fashion. She never fails at delivering powerful designs that are bold yet approachable.
Is there a vintage store or shop that you find yourself getting the most lucky at?
Back when I lived in Ajax I used to love going to the Value Village there, I’d be there at least once a week. I used to find so many things there because I was there so often! When I moved downtown I started frequenting the Queen St. East Value Village at Queen and Carlaw.
Is there anything you would tell yourself if you could go back in time to when you first started up-cycling?
Stop overthinking, take more risks, trust your instinct :)
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