Lauren Hubert on showing women how to become their most confident selves with The Sorority Nutritionist
May 5, 2021
Describe your business in a few words?
TSN is about being your hottest, healthiest and most confident self!
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
I always felt like a traditional job (think dietitian in the hospital) was just not for me. I wanted to be my own boss, work on my terms/on my own schedule and actually love what I do! And for me that means working for myself and being my own CEO
What was your background prior to starting your own business?
I earned my Bachelors and Master's degrees in Nutrition, then worked for an in-person private practice for 1.5 years. I knew social media was something this private practice lacked and it was the "it" place to be, it's not going anywhere! Which is why I took all my experiences to create the business you see today!
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I wasn't sure what I was going to do and wanted to be able to make an impact in the world, but had no idea owning my own business and doing the work I do online would be the avenue I would take. But looking back, all the stars aligned that this was exactly what I was meant to do!

Take us back to when you first launched your business, what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
When I first launched my business, I actually teamed up and invested with a business coach/mentor who specialized in social media marketing, growing your Instagram and specifically was a Registered Dietitian. I focused on making content that aligned with the type of woman I was trying to attract, showing up consistently and honestly mastering the platform. I quickly learned the power of social media marketing and how leveraging the women I was working with, their success and sharing my own struggles really resonated with my audience. I still use all these strategies I developed back in April 2019 today!
We always learn the most from our mistakes, share a time with us that you made a mistake or had a challenging time in business and what you learned from it?
I've made countless mistakes, but one of the biggest struggles I've faced as my business has grown was the transition from solely doing coaching to a membership model. Now let's be real, I feel like an absolute master when it comes to all things coaching. I've coached women privately and in groups for years, and this comes so easy to me... I could do it in my sleep! So when I knew it was in the best interest of my business, community and the women who want to work with me to launch something more affordable so more women could learn all things TSN and my proven weight loss method that had prior only been available to private clients... I never realized quite how much of a transition this would be.
The biggest thing I learned during this time is to not be so hard on yourself. Even when you're a master at something, I took every "bad" piece of feedback personally that I got from clients. I asked for feedback because with this new digital product I wanted to make sure the program was the best it could be, but it left me feeling inadequate and frustrated that it wasn't better. Anytime you do something new, grow and/or challenge yourself in any way... I've learned to embrace the imperfections and know that as long as it's in your heart to make sure your biz/products are the best they can be... these roadblocks actually make your programs better if you become relentlessly passionate about improving them!

What is the accomplishment you are the most proud of to date?
I am so incredibly proud of my Membership site. I'm nearing nearly 400 amazing, committed and loyal women in my Membership since we launched on Black Friday! :)
How has your business or industry been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?
I hate to say it, but COVID-19 hasn't negatively impacted my business (it actually in a weird way was a beautiful time of growth for TSN) however it has impacted my clients in ways related to their jobs, stress level, lack of access to the gym and even mental health. I've definitely had to switch how I approach conversations with clients and never assume anything because of all the changes that have gone on around us!
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
All things disruptive! I want TSN to become even bigger, badder and bolder. This means getting more publicity and media time to continue sharing the truth behind balanced, fun and sustainable weight loss alongside being a place for women who want to lose weight to continue coming to (in a world where so many women are now shamed for even wanting to lose weight, unfortunately!)
Definitely will continue to grow my podcast and my goals are to be even more in the media... maybe even TV :)

What is the biggest lesson you have learned in 2020?
When uncertain times present themselves, put your head down and focus on what you can control. Do the things you're doing well, freaking WELL and know that hard work will always take you far.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you were first starting your business?
Don't hope for success, determine your success by working hard AND being strategic.
How have you managed to stay grounded this year?
Honestly forcing myself to take time off from work and disconnect. Even though I always work from home, I have felt more reclusive and separated from people... which meant getting more attached to working/growing my brand and business. Forcing myself to take breaks and spend alone time with friends/family/my husband honestly resets me and helps me remember what life is about :)
Do you believe in work/life balance? What are some of your best tips?
I do believe in balance, but I'm not going to lie; when you are so much of your brand (it's face, leader, CEO and the main person behind all the madness) you need a work and life balance but it's ok if there is also overlap because my life work is my work as a Registered Dietitian and business owner
Fave tips:
Schedule down time and never be afraid to treat yourself.
When you feel uncomfortable stepping away from work, get to the root of why it's hard for you so you can create systems that make it easier to take time off.
Hire people you trust and that will grow with you so you don't have to manage everything (it's easier to take time off with this!)
What's something our audience would be surprised to learn about you?
That I doubt myself and my abilities far more than the confident/poised person you see behind the camera. I am so incredibly hard on myself and always find this negative narrative in my head about what could/should/can be better instead of celebrating the success I've had.
What are your top 3 tips to stay productive each day?
Make a list in the morning of what you want to accomplish.
Anytime you have an idea/something to do, write it down or you'll forget it!
Schedule when you want to do tasks... including self care and the gym :)
What does being an Entreprenista mean to you?
Being an Entreprenista means being a boss babe aka a woman who owns her own business, creates her destiny and uses her brain/creativity to build an epic brand... but it also means using your feminine qualities, the fact that you ARE a woman and owning that femininity to build your success. It's about being a woman, inside and out, and using our unique qualities that only women who have lived the world as a female understand/can grasp.