Laura Elliott, Co-Founder of Kula Inc., on taking the leap to launch a podcast
June 7, 2022
Describe your business in a few words:
I am Laura Elliott the co-founder of Kula Inc. Kula is transforming the way moms receive support with a membership-based platform that allows moms to book 1:1 virtual sessions with a network of maternal wellness experts, including sleep consultants, counselors, career coaches, nutritionists, and more.
What was your background prior to starting your own business?
Prior to founding Kula Inc., I spent more than 10 years as a marketing professional. I worked with brands in the technology space, as well as in the consumer packaged goods industry, focusing on building strategy, brand loyalty, and business growth.
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
No, in fact, this is one thing I always thought I never wanted to do but it has been the best decision for myself
Take us back to when you first launched your business, what was your marketing strategy to get the word out, and did it go as planned?
When we first launched we focused solely on building our following on Instagram. With the need to fit within the IG algorithm, not getting the reach we needed, and not having marketing dollars, we realized we needed to shift our strategy a bit. We are still primarily focused on Instagram since that is where our target consumer lives, but we are now building out our strategy to get reach on other platforms. We are launching our podcast "Kula Conversations" and we are creating more and more content for our blog, and shifted efforts to do more PR outreach.
What is the accomplishment you are the most proud of to date?
Taking the leap to launch a podcast. It is completely outside my comfort zone and a big project to take on. One of the most unexpected things from being an entrepreneur is constantly learning that I am stronger and more capable than I think and that often comes when I decide to do something completely new outside my comfort zone.
Do you believe in work/life balance? What are some of your best tips?
Yes and no. I do not think you can ever really achieve a perfect sense of work-life balance but you can and should try to create your best version. It is always fluid. Some weeks are better than others and the pressure to feel like you need to be able to constantly find the perfect balance is really harmful mentally. You always feel like you are not doing enough. Speaking for myself, especially as a mom, I always feel guilty I am not spending enough time with my family when I am working, and vice versa. The best thing that has worked for me was creating a formal schedule in google calendar that both my husband and I agreed on and feel good about. Every week, I have designated work hours, family time, me time, and time with my husband. There is no confusion on what I should be spending my time doing and it has actually helped me prioritize self-care.
What have you achieved recently that you'd like to celebrate with our community?
The launch of our website. We spent a lot of time and effort upfront really talking through our branding. What did we want our moms to feel when they come to Kula? What did we want to be and not want to be? We worked tirelessly to get our brand voice, design, and values extremely clear at the upfront. This was extremely helpful in getting both me and co-founder aligned and also giving us guidance for future decisions. Launching our website was the final production to pull all of it together to give our consumers the right experience. I am really proud we took the time to do this and seeing it all come together to represent what Kula is today is very rewarding.
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
We are starting to hone in even more on our specific niche. We are doubling down on women-led businesses and businesses that are targeting female consumers. We're starting to say a lot more that doesn't align to our belief systems, and that's an exciting place to be. We're producing work that makes us proud.
What excites you about being an Entreprenista League member?
Meeting and working with all the amazing women here reminds me that I am also strong and capable of achieving my dreams. Entreprenista is the first networking group I have been a part of where I truly feel supported, not only by the support tools available but also by the other entrepreneurs I have met. I have made genuine connections and friendships I never expected.