Labor Nurse Cinthia Sime Shares About Her Headband Brand
April 24, 2024
Hi, Cinthia! Please share a brief introduction about yourself and your business:
Hi, I'm Cinthia Sime, a Mexican mama to two beautiful girls and Founder of NVLTURA. I am a labor and delivery nurse and started to make headbands for myself because I did not like the ones I would buy. I started to get compliments on them and it all went from there!
Who are your customers?
Started out with just nurses, but branched out to family friends and their babies!
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
I was making headbands for the nurses in my unit and really enjoyed the process. I realized at that moment that I wanted to make them for more than just those on my unit and took the leap to launch a website and share it with friends and family.
Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
My strategy was to let my friends and family know. From there, I’ve been kind of stuck in getting the word out to more. I am trying on social media but have not been successful.
Social media can be tricky but we're here to support you! What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?
I am having trouble with reaching more customers. I am learning to try to make social media content more aesthetic and appealing as well as photographing the products better. Still learning!
Do you have any recent wins from the last year that you'd like to celebrate with our community?
My biggest win is not giving up and continuing on this journey. The main reason I haven’t, even though I’m not making money, is because I truly enjoy the process and I’m learning so much.
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
Next is growth growth growth! I would love it if I could actually bring money in from this at some point!
What is your approach to work-life balance/integration?
I believe in making a plan for the day/week/month. This way, I know what I need to get done and when to get it done while also being able to enjoy/do other things.
What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?
Get involved in all that is available!
Are you a Mamaprenista? If so, please share your best advice for simultaneously managing a business and a family.
Yes! It’s important for me to have time to myself to do the little things that I love, and this is one of them. Having said that, when I’m with my kids and husband I ensure that I am fully involved in conversations and meaningful quality time rather than trying to multitask.
What is your favorite business tool or solution and why?
Wix has been very helpful in managing many different aspects of my business.