Jennifer Hampton Shares About Her Career Journey and Copywriting Business
June 24, 2024
Hi, Jennifer! Please share a brief introduction about yourself and your business:
Hey, there! I'm Jennifer, owner of Creative Oasis Studio, which provides copywriting services.
Who are your customers?
Anyone in the health and wellness industry, including coaches, fitness professionals, and more.
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
I wanted to break free from a toxic work environment and do what I believe is my purpose in life.
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Yes, it just took years of exploration and a big self-growth journey to make my dreams more clear.
Take us back to when you first launched your business; what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
I am still in the beginning stages and I'm currently solely using LinkedIn to grow my network. It's extremely slow, but I'm remaining positive that good things are heading my way.
What is the biggest challenge you have encountered along the way so far and what have you learned from it?
Patience! Finding clients is very difficult, but I know that doesn't mean what I'm doing is wrong. Good things take time, and I know that with time, I will find those who resonate with my message and will love to work with me.
We love that mindset, Jennifer! What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
Growth, more clients, products, groups, etc.
What is your top productivity tip?
As someone with ADHD, time blocking is a lifesaver!
How do you avoid burnout?
By allowing myself to have days off. I've learned that if I don't, I'll actually be LESS productive.
What is your approach to work-life balance/integration?
I have a hard stop at 5 PM so I can be with my daughter when she gets home from daycare. Outside of that, I'm getting outside more, and allowing myself grace on days when my mental health isn't great, knowing that life is meant to ebb and flow, and I cannot always be "on."
What is one thing you wish you had known when you started your Entreprenista journey?
That good things take way more time than you think. But if you keep putting in the work, you will get the results you seek. Also, meet as many people as you can, even if you can't be of service to them right then. If you make a good impression, they'll remember you and bring up your name when the time is right.
Are you a Mamaprenista? If so, please share your best advice for simultaneously managing a business and a family:
Being a Mom and starting a business is so hard! For me, I have a hard stop at 5 PM to spend time with my daughter, as the time goes too quickly, and I don't want to regret missing the younger years. Find a system that works for you, and never feel bad about spending time with your babies over running yourself into the ground for your business. What is meant to be, will be, so let the universe work its magic.