How a lack of female empowerment in the real estate industry lead Marina Shiferman to create her business, The Real Estate Academy
April 22, 2021
Describe your business in a few words?
I teach women how to buy and own real estate correctly so they can be the bad ass queens of their own lives.
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
I was a realtor for 10 years, I loved it but something was missing. The female empowerment connection was missing. The education for women on real estate is missing in the industry. So I am filling that hole.
What was your background prior to starting your own business?
I was a realtor for 10 years. In a past life, I was a professional ballerina.
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
As soon as I graduated college and realized I wanted a career, yes. I cannot work for someone else doing their vision, I have my own visions and my own creative style.
Take us back to when you first launched your business, what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
My marketing strategy was and is instagram. 100%. I also reached out personally to a lot of my friends for the first round of beta testers and had them shout me out on ista and write testimonials.
It worked in that I have a bigger following now and get some engagement.
We always learn the most from our mistakes, share a time with us that you made a mistake or had a challenging time in business and what you learned from it?
Not being authentic. I used to be in a hustler mentality of having to find clients, always finding clients. Now I am in an attraction state. I put out content, call in clients, and wait for them to come to me. I am not the button down business realtor, I am myself and that is a badass woman.
What is the accomplishment you are the most proud of to date?
1) Being a great realtor, getting referrals from past clients.
2) Teaching women, hearing their testimonials and stories after they learn what i teach
3) Have clients reach out to me.
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
Growth! The real estate academy is a movement to educate, inspire, and empower women to take control of their futures and buy/own/invest in real estate. It's not just a course, it's a movement. There will be events, big talks, more programs, workshops!
What is the biggest lesson you have learned in 2020?
1) Invest in yourself (business and life coaches)
2) Be true to yourself. (no censoring or editing videos)
3) Follow your truth. (I wasn't 100% satisfied with being a realtor and that's what led me to start this)
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you were first starting your business?
It's so new, I am not sure yet. Outsourcing is one.
How have you managed to stay grounded this year?
1) Vacations (Sonoma, Mexico…)
2) Being outside in nature.
3) Date nights with the hubby.
4) Saturdays no work completely.
5) Baths!
Do you believe in work/life balance? What are some of your best tips?
Absolutely. You must have boundaries. I don't turn my phone on until 10am unless I have a meeting. I must get outside everyday. I stop working Friday afternoon to Sunday. If I am feeling tired, I rest. I know when I need a vacation.
What's something our audience would be surprised to learn about you?
I was a professional ballerina. I am married. I bought my first house at 27 being a single woman
What are your top 3 tips to stay productive each day?
You don't have to be productive each day. Redefine what productive means. Have 3 goals you want to accomplish each week and that's it. Don't burn yourself out. Take breaks, slow mornings, stop at a certain time in the evening, turn your phone off after work
What does being an Entreprenista mean to you?
A woman who is the queen of her life.