Fertility Coach Tara Brandner on equipping you with the tools needed to successfully navigate your fertility journey
April 8, 2022
Describe your business in a few words:
Tara offers a wealth of free education from a nurse practitioner for those diagnosed with infertility. She helps couples on their fertility journey stop feeling overwhelmed and better understand their reproductive options through personalized care and plans. As a doctorate nurse practitioner and infertility patient, she realizes there are large gaps of care for couples trying to conceive. She aims to meet couples where they are in their journey and guide them in their care. In addition, she founded the nonprofit Everlasting Hope and is active as an advocate working to increase access to care for those with infertility.
What was your background prior to starting your own business?
Working as a family and critical care nurse practitioner in rural North Dakota. I founded the first, and only, infertility nonprofit in ND and SD 3 years ago and saw an even bigger need for my business.
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
No! Never even thought of it until COVID hit. I knew I needed out of the front lines of healthcare and to step into my passion more of helping those diagnosed with infertility. The scariest thing I ever did? Yes, it's scarier than swabbing someone for COVID 19, hehe!
Take us back to when you first launched your business, what was your marketing strategy to get the word out and did it go as planned?
Social media, mostly IG. I received a business grant and hired a marketing agency with it: a total fail! I had asked them to spend more of their time and my money on digital marketing, and instead, they spent it on making graphics and social media which I had already done. I didn’t renew my contract, and they never said thank you or had a closing email summary of what they had done, etc. In addition, they left a Google Ad running and never told me until $400 was charged to my credit card. I emailed her about it, just so they could prevent that from happening to someone else, and she sent the snootiest email back ever. Also, Google Ads were a waste of money for me. I received a bunch of discovery call applicants and not a single one was my ideal customer.
What is the accomplishment you are the most proud of to date?
Hearing my patients tell me how helpful I am for them. Yes, I have had babies born from my work, but it is more important to hear that my patients have support, feel less alone, and walk through infertility better than I did. Also, receiving a grant from the state of ND for my business has been rewarding--it means this group believes in me.
Do you believe in work/life balance? What are some of your best tips?
Finding a system that works, such as the first week of the month I do this and the second I do that, or Mondays are for this and Wednesdays are for that. Also, setting a timer for 20 min and working on one task, 5 min break, start over, and do that cycle. I also stay off my phone completely during time with my son.
What have you achieved recently that you'd like to celebrate with our community?
I was selected to speak at the American Association of Nurse Practitioners National Conference in June on infertility!
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
I am expanding to educate nurse practitioners on spotting signs of infertility in order for patients to have access to care sooner. I am also going to write a book after going through not only infertility but in the last 6 months, I have gone through job loss and divorce. I am on a mission to continue removing stigmas!
What excites you about being an Entreprenista League member?
Making new connections and learning how to scale my business!