Abbe Feder of InCircle Fertility on stepping into her entrepreneurial spirit
December 20, 2021
Describe your business in a few words:
We’ve all heard of becoming an expert in something we never wanted to be an expert in - that’s me. I didn’t want to become an expert in infertility. But after twelve scientifically assisted attempts, a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, and a termination for medical reasons, once I finally emerged on the other side of my rainbow I knew that it was part of my life’s path to help others along their way.
What made you take the leap to start your own business?
My husband and I developed a podcast (Maculate Conception) documenting our own intimate infertility path in real-time. We were so grief-stricken and lonely, with no one who really "got it," that we started recording as an outlet for mental health.... we recorded our appointments, phone calls, pillow talk, and when the podcast actually became successful, we knew it was because people stopped feeling so alone. From sharing that story I was able to connect with women going through it all over the world, and that's where this business idea started. These women were seeking guidance and advice at every corner. When I synced with my business partner, Sophie, who had been through her own harrowing infertility journey, and was a huge source of guidance, and empathy to me and others - we knew this business is desperately needed.

What was your background prior to starting your own business?
I have been all over the place, which is actually something I love about myself and my trajectory. At my core, and by craft, I am an actress. I moved to LA when I got my first big break, and I still act. It doesn't fill my soul like it used to, and along the way I was able to work in other areas that I love and make an impact in the world. I have worked in marketing, sales, and operations. A diverse business background comes in handy when launching your own business!
Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
I've always had an entreprenurial spirit. My version of a lemonade stand was called "Tchotchkes Unlimited," where at eight years old I sold glorified junk on the sidewalk outside my apartment in New York City. I don't think everyone has that inclination from the early stages of life, but I believe that if you do have it, no matter what your career trajectory, you will always find some way to nourish that side of your soul. It needs nourishment.
What is the accomplishment you are the most proud of to date?
MOST proud of is a hard one. But my kids are way up there. Giving birth to twins after 6 years of infertility, loss, grief, a medically necessary termination, nearly dying in childbirth - I still can't believe that I emerged on the other side of my rainbow still intact physically and continuing to heal emotionally.

Do you believe in work/life balance? What are some of your best tips?
It may sounds cliche, but I do believe that when you do what you love it doesn't feel like work. This is the best way to achieve work/life balance. I find it worth the risk to go for what you love and that gives you the life you want, then having to find a way to keep them separate and make each side suffer at moments.
What's next for your business? What can we expect to see over the next few years?
We are looking to scale in many ways. We love our one-on-one (really two on one!!) impact, but we also want to be able to reach wider and help more women. We are now working on partnerships with clinics, and potentially adding inspirational products to help those handling the grief of infertility on a daily basis.
What excites you about being an Entreprenista League member?
Female business owners and hustlers are the actual vision of the future. If I can have the opportunity to collaborate with a slew of them, I am IN!